
The harpoon guide

Are you looking for your first harpoon, but not sure which model is right for you? Here is an article that goes straight to the point. If you want a more detailed insight into what defines the differences between the various harpoon models, you should read the articles on the Harpoon and Shooting Technique .

By Simen Wilberg

Here are the most common starting points. If you can't find one that suits you, contact us via chat, post@frivannsliv.no or phone 56 35 80 80 and we'll help you make the right choice.

Before you read on, remember that harpoons are used for hunting live fish. Therefore, one should set demands for precision and quality. Damage shooting of fish is the last thing both we and you want. The article continues below the picture.

1. I want a harpoon that works as an all-rounder. It should work for everything from bottom fish to large pelagic fish (fish that swim in open water masses). I want to hunt both here, there and in tidal currents without having to buy a new harpoon.

Then a harpoon between 95 and 105 is the right harpoon length. Preferably with 2x16mm harpoon string and a 7-7.5mm harpoon dart. Such a model will be powerful enough to punch through large fish at up to 5 meters, while at the same time it will be precise enough for long shots. If you choose a harpoon model over 95 cm, it should be made of carbon or a very rigid aluminum so that the harpoon tube does not tilt and exceed the harpoon's precision.

Current models: Hunter - Tactical Carbon

2. I want a harpoon that will do, but I want it simple and straightforward. The harpoon should be very easy to load and maneuver. If I notice that underwater hunting is something for me, it does me no good to buy a new harpoon later.

A harpoon that is between 75 and 90cm is the thing for you. It will be easy to maneuver and it will not need as thick an arrow. Here, a 6.5mm harpoon arrow is enough. These models can also be recommended with 2x16mm harpoon knitting. A 90cm harpoon will be fine to shoot large pelagic fish as long as you are within 2-3 metres.

Current models: Predator - Senior - Voodo

3. I want a powerful harpoon. I want to hunt the biggest fish, and often in tidal currents where it is not always easy to get within range. Cod, ling and pollock over 10kg is the target, and I want the arrow to have no problems hitting the whole fish even on long shots.

More is more. You should go for a long harpoon, which is stiff enough to withstand multiple and powerful/short harpoon strikes. Harpoons from 110-120cm are the thing for you. Here, the harpoon tubes must be of the highest quality. Precious wood, carbon or thick airgrade aluminium. You should have 2x16mm or 3x16mm harpoon knitting.

Current models: Tactical carbon - Tactical carbon premium

4. I'm a scuba diver and just want a short simple harpoon to shoot bottom fish with.

A harpoon of between 60 cm and 90 cm does the trick. Easily.

Current models: Predator - Senior - Voodo

5. Hooray! I'm young and I'm really looking forward to getting started with underwater hunting! I'm not that tall yet, so I need something easy to charge and maneuver. I will harpoon flounder, lyre, gilthead minnow, small cod and anything else I can catch and eat that is not on the red list!

Ahhh. Don't we all wish we were you, what an adventure you have ahead of you! Buy yourself a 75cm harpoon and you're good to go!

Current models: Predator 75 and Senior 75

Before we finish, a few comments:

The length of the harpoon you choose should be in proportion to your own height. A short person should not have a very long harpoon. It can be difficult to reach the elastics when loading, and it can be difficult to maneuver the harpoon.

There are always people who brag about how easy it is to catch fish, and that you only need a very short harpoon. It's wrong. Fish can be very shy, and you don't always get as close as you would like. You can do this better and better as you gain experience, but even the most experienced underwater hunters constantly experience that the biggest fish do not come within range.

Harpooning is a technique and has little to do with the strength of your arms.

Harpoon is used for hunting. Show respect for what you are hunting by choosing a precise harpoon of good enough quality.

There is a constant development in the harpoon market. We at Frivannsliv always test all models carefully. We try new models, and are also not afraid to throw out old winners from the range if the quality of the product declines or changes. Follow along in the online store to have an overview of the models we can vouch for.

Welcome to the world of the underwater hunter. Show respect for all life in the sea, and eat what you catch.

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