Aksels videoblogg

Aksels videoblogg

Hei! Jeg er Aksel, 22 år fra Stavanger. Studerer for øyeblikket i Trondheim, med kanskje Norges beste dykkelokasjon en kjøretur unna. Har dykket aktivt de siste seks årene, og så fort eg har mulighet hopper jeg uti!

Opplevelsene jeg får under vann er rett og slett så fantastiske at jeg ønsket å dele de med flere. Derfor har jeg nå startet å klippe sammen disse videoene, håper de faller i smak!

Ripping current, giant swimming halibuts, huge pelagic fish such as cods, pollack and coalfish, crystal clear waters and millions of baitfish.. just to mention a couple of Saltstraumens wonders.

I was lucky enough to spend a weekend in this amazing place with two skilled spearos with lots of experience from this special current, Martin and Arild. 
Togheter with Jørn aka @spearfishingsaltstraumen on Insta as a guide, everything was ready for an epic trip. 


The archipelago right next to Norways deepest fjord, Sognefjorden, with the Atlantic Ocean straight in from the west is truly beautiful. A two-day spearfishing trip here, with a boat to take us wherever we want is bound to be good!

Promising bridges, deep drops, reefs and tidal currents are waiting, luckily with some local knowlegde. High seawater temperatures makes it surprisingly difficult to find fish, but persistance pays off!


When you can see thousands of baitfish with the drone exactly where you're gonna jump in the water, you know it's gonna be a good day spearfishing!

This spot on Hitra in Norway is known to be good for small fish like cods and pollocks, but the larger ones normally stay away.


After two years on the podium, I was keen to continue my streak in the Norwegian spearfishing championship 2023.

I got off to a rough start, but with some swimming sprints and countless dives, more and more fish ended up on the spear. Would it be enough?

Hope you enjoy the video, and too see more of you at events this year!


Every winter, there is a window where huge fish can be shot in an unusual type of spearfishing. We gave it a go!

"Pipe diving" refers to spearfishing around pipes where discarded water from land based fish farms are flushed out to sea. Bits of food attracts shoals of coalfish, and all the noise attracts bigger predators. 20kg cods can come within range, as well as other beasts.

With fish generally diving deeper during winter, this is a great way to harvest fresh sea food. The meat of anything but the coalfish is superb!

In this video, there were generally little food in the water. The reason for the cloud coming out of the pipes is that fresh water from the pipe mixes with salt water.
We talked with several local workers, who told us that better filtration was mandatory the later years.
This is great for the environment, but also means that "pipe diving" might be a thing of the past.


Halibuts are not easy to find, and sometimes you have to use weeks to get one on the spear. On a work trip earlier this fall, I joined Martin for a dive in the northern part of Norway, and it was our only chance to get one.

My previous attempts is ofcourse included, enjoy!


In the beginning of September, the world spearfishing championship were hosted in Spain, and I was representing Norway.

We had a couple of days with scouting before the competition, but the conditions shifted to the extend that we had to relearn pretty much everything. Also I've never dived south of Norway before, definitely not an advantage.

Still, competitions like this is a great way to gather new insights in the sport, and meet old and new friends. Had an absolute blast, and its a memory I'll think of for years to come.

Hope you enjoy it!



Vast kelp forests, lots of fish on the sonar, and nothing but ocean around makes for a perfect day.

It's extreme seldom the weather allows people to travel to these islands and shallows, so chances are we're the first to find what lies beneath the surface here.

Check out the video to see what the day brought!

Somewhere during the recording of the voiceover I caught the flu, bonus points if you can find the exact moment;) 



The archipelago right next to Norways deepest fjord, Sognefjorden, with the Atlantic Ocean straight in from the west is truly beautiful. A two-day spearfishing trip here, with a boat to take us wherever we want is bound to be good!

Promising bridges, deep drops, reefs and tidal currents are waiting, luckily with some local knowlegde. High seawater temperatures makes it surprisingly difficult to find fish, but persistance pays off!



An invitation to spend a day at sea with great people, with a feast later, is not something to decline. Beautiful scenery, fish, a deep sea monster (ish) and more are waiting:)

Thanks for everyone who joined!


This legendary location is known throughout Norway as challenging, but rewarding. Several record fish have been shot here, including the national record of a 12,2kg pollack, and cods well above 10kg!

Despite its potential, this tidal current is requires hard work to master.
After multiple trips here over the years, with no catch, the dream of pulling a big cod up from the current stayed alive. Last week, it finally came true!

My biggest "what the actual f*ck" moment from my diving career so far, is waiting at the very end.



When the sea warms up for the summer season, the sea explodes with life! Even though the winter visibility is long gone, it is exciting to once again spearfish for the curious pollock!

Combining the dive trip with some camping in the beautiful Norwegian scenery definitively gave the weekend that extra touch:)

Vlog style video.




This time we went spearfishing during the night, only using polespears! The darkness adds a level of challenge, but we catch some delicious fish and have an unforgettable encounter with a friendly squid.

A dive so fun, it was even worth changing in -15°C!

As always, the Norwegian waters keeps on giving:)


Join us on an exciting winter spearfishing adventure here in Norway, as we attempt to catch enough food to feed a party of 40! Along the way, we encounter some mouth-watering delicacy crabs, the first fish school in months, and some massive fish.

But it's not all fun, and there's at least one proper heartbreaking moment waiting. Will we manage to feed the hungry crowd?



During the dark and cold winter months, diving might not seem like the go-to activity. However, it definitely should be! Beautiful light and visibility over 20 meters is one thing, the amazing catches you can get another.

In the video there's flatfish all over from a few dives down south, and huge wolffish and cods towards the north! Hope you enjoy!



Crystal clear water and all the scallops you can dream of?

Sounds like the perfect motivation to get in the water, even though winter is closing in here in Norway. Getting my first ling on the spear was a nice bonus! Hitra never disappoints:)


Se alle videoene fra Aksel Ørstavik på YouTube.


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