5 tips for å være klar for dykk

5 tips to be ready for a dive

By René Petterson, f or Frivannsliv

All divers have their procedures and routines for getting ready for diving. You definitely have your own. Below we have some tips that can help you be more prepared for your next dive.


“Checklist”: Pilots use it, rebreather divers use it, Astronauts use it, why shouldn't Agronauts / sports divers use it? A "checklist" ensures that you have all the equipment with you and are ready to dive at the dive site or at the boat and


Connect and go over your equipment well in advance of packing the car. If you do this as a routine, you can discover leaks and small problems long before you arrive at the dive site, and deal with this calmly and with all the tools you have at home.


Have a spare kit. O-rings for first stage, LP hoses, straps for fins, anti-fog, patches for dry suit, glue, mask strap and some simple tools. This is perhaps the difference between a dive that ended in the sink and a dive that started 5 minutes later.


Have a “Plan B”. Sometimes you arrive at the dive site and discover that the conditions are not quite right for diving there that day. Having a plan for alternative space nearby usually makes life and the atmosphere much better.


Be part of a positive environment where the threshold for saying "This is not my day" is low and this is accepted. Maybe it's been a week of lots of stress, or you simply don't feel ready to dive. It is not very clear why, but safety is reduced for everyone if you are not "sharp and ready". Remember that hydration is about 12 hours behind schedule, so downing 1 liter of water a little before the dive will do nothing but make you need to pee.

Read the next article:

5 tips when taking your diving equipment out of hibernation

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