Krabbe - fangst og tilbredning

Crab - catching and breeding

By Pål LG Mortensen

Photo: iStock©


Autumn is here and the crabs are filling up with food! Here you can read about how to find the crabs, as well as a recipe for a delicious crab salad.


Check weather forecast and tides. The crabs pull all the way up into the water's crust to feed on the rudder when the tide is high. A perfect timing would be to start about 2 hours before full tide. The net is then well covered by water, and the crabs are clearly visible when they emerge from the kelp. Bring several fishing nets, and mark the buoy with a signal light. A small mask light is excellent when looking for crabs.


The pocket crab is the most common crab in Norway. It lives on the bottom of the sea, from shallow beach areas down to a depth of 300–400 metres. In Norway, it is usually found at depths down to 50 meters and in areas with a lot of rock. The crab feeds on dead fish, clams and land. The crab spawns in the autumn after it has reached sexual maturity, usually from the age of 5. The female carries the eggs with her under her tail through the winter until they hatch in the summer. The crab larvae drift around in the sea for the first 4–6 weeks before settling on the bottom.

Season: Autumn and winter (September - April).

Crab is mainly caught in autumn, as the quality is best then and the crabs are full of food.

Nutritional content: Crab is a good source of vitamin B12, selenium and zinc.


If you want to know more about equipment for crab lighting and see an inspiring video about this, you can read this blog article .


This salad contains crab/crab shells, Crème Fraîche, radish, red onion and other delicious ingredients. It is easy to make and the recipe can be read here.

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